Ocurens’ director, Gabriel Dugué, has teamed up with Paris based Alter Bureau to create a new commercial film for Adidas Originals and Adidas Paris, featuring French hip-hop artist Ninho, as part of the launch of the global brand platform ‘We Gave The World An Original. You Gave Us a Thousand Back.’. Gabriel has received numerous international accolades for his work, including a Young …
A message from OCURENS
‘With profound sadness, the Ocurens team mourns the loss of Valentin Petit, our fearless leader and cherished friend. We share our grief with Valentin’s family, loved ones, and all those touched by his remarkable impact on this world. Valentin was an extraordinary soul, brimming with …
ENID is proud to announce that they will be representing the award-winning, French founded production company, OCURENS. Having recently expanded into the UK, their London office is headed by Emmanuelle Le Chat (previously working with Ian Pons Jewell). Ocurens have curated a roster of highly creative, forward thinking individuals. All the work that you are about to …