Los Perez help Mountain Dew lovers unleash their inner beast in the brand’s latest spot ‘Your Soul Needs DEW‘. Created in collaboration with TBWA\CHIAT\Day NY, the 2 minute campy tale lets visual and thematic excesses bubble to the top, utilising talented prosthetic artists to tell the story of three friends …
HENRI & SEBASTIAN + DIEGO BERAHKA’s latest campaign for Gatorade
1stAveMachine have teamed up directing duo Henri & Sebastian, with post wizard Diego Berahka, to deliver a new Gatorade campaign, created by TBWA\Chiat\Day L.A. The mixed media anthem features former professional tennis player, Serena Williams, accompanied by the iconic voice of Eminem, and former basketball star, Michael Jordan, combining magazine scans with digital footage, shining bright in neon-y hues, in …