Inspired by the 14th-century Italian short-story collection by Giovanni Boccaccio, ‘The Decameron’ is an American medieval television series created by Kathleen Jordan. Andrew DeYoung directed two episodes of the black-comedy show, which follows a group of nobles and servants when they retreat to a villa as the bubonic plague spreads through Italy. …

AARDMAN Beaks the Internet with the Return of Feathers McGraw

Iconic dastardly penguin Feathers returns in the recently announced ‘Vengeance Most Fowl’, the ‘Wallace and Gromit’ feature film set to show over the festive period 2024. Directors Nick Park and Merlin Crossingham offered a sneak peek of the upcoming film as part of a special Netflix event at Festival International du film d’animation d’Annecy, with the …

Official Trailer ‘Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget’ Released 15th December on Netflix 

Aardman and Netflix have released the trailer for the highly anticipated ‘Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget’, coming to Netflix globally on December 15. Directed by Sam Fell, the film is the sequel to the highest-grossing stop-motion animated film of all time, ‘Chicken Run‘, and stars Thandiwe Newton (Ginger), Zachary Levi (Rocky), Bella Ramsey (Molly), Imelda Staunton (Bunty), and Romesh Ranganathan (Nick).