FELA’s BLACKPOWERBARBIE directs and stars in Destination Toronto’s new spot

Alongside two Toronto-based artists, Smolik and Lauren PirieFela’s director Blackpowerbarbie adds colourful, graffiti-like animation to an otherwise entirely live-action perspective for the ‘You Gotta See What We See’ 2023 Destination Toronto campaign. Featuring three artists who take inspiration from Toronto, and celebrate the creative community within it that embraces them, the campaign finds its footing in the narrative that Toronto is not only a diverse city, but also one that values inclusivity as an enabler of different perspectives impacting the city’s culture. A self-taught illustrator and animatorBlackpowerbarbie is known for her compassionate and creative depictions of communities who face misrepresentation in today’s media.

View more of BLACKPOWERBARBIE’s work here.