Chromista’s acclaimed feature film director Darren Aronofsky latest feature film ‘The Whale’ has been nominated 3 times at this year’s Academy Awards for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Makeup and Hairstyling. The film achieved a six minute standing ovation at the 79th Venice International Film Festival where it had its its world premiere.
Staring Brendan Fraser, the film is based on Samuel D. Hunter‘s award-winning play of the same name, which is considered to be one of the most original, strange, and moving works about a gay man’s experience that has ever been written. Aronofsky’s many achievements include multiple Academy Award nominations for his films ‘The Wrestler’, ‘Requiem for a Dream’, and ‘Black Swan’, achieving an Academy Award for Best Actress for Natalie Portman.
To view more of DARREN ARONOFSKY’s work here.